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The Biomedical Engineering Innovation PhD Program is a supplementary learning opportunity to enrich your graduate research experience. The program offers an opportunity to share your research with other disciplines and expand your peer network.
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The Biomedical Engineering Innovation PhD Program is a multidisciplinary research training initiative. It is a supplementary learning opportunity that enriches the graduate research experience.
The program brings together people who work on research related to biomedical engineering, including:
- PhD students, supervisors and alumni from across the Melbourne Biomedical Precinct
- industry and clinical partners.
As a participant, you will work with others who share a passion for biomedical engineering. You can share your research with peers from outside your field, and you can learn from the perspectives of others. This experience will also expand your peer network.
You will be exposed to diverse career paths and possible postdoctoral opportunities. You may access mentoring and networking opportunities with potential employers. And you will meet with researchers from academic, clinical and industrial backgrounds.
To be eligible to join the program, you must be:
- enrolled in a PhD at the University of Melbourne
- conducting PhD research in a relevant area.
The program is facilitated by:
- the Graeme Clark Institute
- the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Melbourne.
The Biomedical Engineering Innovation PhD Program consists of a series of:
- networking evenings
- seminars
- student presentations
- skills development sessions.
PhD candidates from all faculties are welcome to take part. We hold events across different venues within the University of Melbourne, including:
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- St Vincents Hospital Melbourne
- The Royal Melbourne Hospital
- The Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute
- The Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery
- Bionics Institute
Throughout the year, we will inform you of upcoming events and opportunities. These may include industry nights, graduate researcher presentations and seminars.
Industry nights
Evening social events allow you to meet professionals who are working in the field. These networking events include:
- short presentations from biomedical engineering alumni
- panel discussions on topics relevant to biomedical engineering PhD candidates
- biomedical engineering 'speed-dating', where real-world problems are matched with innovative research solutions.
Graduate researcher presentations
These events encourage collaboration between graduate researchers from diverse faculties. You will present your PhD research results in an informal setting. At the end of the event, we nominate participants for research awards. Prizes include tickets to prestigious biomedical engineering events, such as the annual Graeme Clark Oration dinner.
You can attend a range of seminars throughout the year. These seminars feature topics in medical technology and biomedical engineering innovation. Participants can attend networking functions before the seminars begin.
To take part, you must be enrolled in a PhD at the University of Melbourne. Your thesis topic must relate to the theme of biomedical engineering.
When you join the Program, you will remain enrolled in your current department.
You can join a PhD Program at any time during your candidature. You will remain part of the Program until you complete your doctoral studies.
If you’re a current University of Melbourne PhD candidate
- Talk with your supervisor about participating in the Biomedical Engineering Innovation PhD Program.
- Contact us to join the program.
If you want to apply for a PhD with us
Please refer to the doctoral course overview websites for information on how to apply:
Once you’re accepted as a PhD candidate, contact us to join the program.
First published on 21 February 2022.
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