Research ethics and integrity

We provide support and advice so you can manage your research ethically and with integrity.

A commitment to the responsible and ethical conduct of research is fundamental to all research endeavours at the University of Melbourne. It underpins our research relationships with collaborators and partners, and is supported by robust systems of review and comprehensive education and training programs.

Our Office of Research Ethics and Integrity (OREI) provides guidance and systems to support researchers. It plays a vital role in protecting and strengthening the University’s research reputation by:

  • Managing research processes and systems that ensure we maintain the highest ethical and integrity standards
  • Playing an educative role and assisting researchers with, for example:
    • Ethics application guidance
    • Conflict of interest advice
    • Research best-practice seminars that meet our regulatory and legislative obligations.
    • Understanding the application of national frameworks for ethical research and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
  • Investigating allegations of research misconduct, ensuring the University maintains the highest standards.

Robust and consistent ethical review is a cornerstone of research integrity. It safeguards the rigour and reputation of research conducted at the University of Melbourne, and we uphold our ethical obligations for:

  • Conducting research with humans and animals
  • Responding to public expectations regarding responsible research
  • Responding to heightened scrutiny and audit by external regulators.

Our ethics committees welcome participation from members of the public. If you are interested in joining one of the ethics committees, please email or

Researchers in lab analysing tissue in a microscope

The Openness Agreement on Animal Research and Teaching in Australia

The University of Melbourne is proud to be one of the early signatories of the Openness Agreement on Animal Research and Teaching in Australia, developed by the Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART).

Learn more

Research integrity

The University and its staff and students are bound by the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. The Code has broad relevance across all research disciplines, guiding institutions and researchers in responsible research practices. Staff in supervisory positions have a responsibility to ensure that staff and students engaged on research projects have the appropriate skills, experience, training, advice and support to conduct quality research, safely and responsibly.

The University appoints a number of Research Integrity Advisors (RIA) across all academic divisions. RIAs are the first contact for staff and students with questions or concerns about the responsible conduct of research.

We take seriously all concerns, complaints, and allegations, including those that are made anonymously. We ask that allegations be made in good faith, confidentially and without malice. Complainants will, as far as practicable, be kept updated about the process of investigating and responding to their complaints.

Learn more about:

If you have a complaint, concern or question about research conduct at the University of Melbourne, contact the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity.  Or complete the anonymous form below.

Submit a concern or complaint

More information can also be found on the Research Gateway, which is available to all University of Melbourne academic and honorary staff, graduate researchers and professional staff. Please note, you will need to log in with your University of Melbourne username and password.

University of Melbourne staff and students are encouraged to contact a Research Integrity Advisor to discuss:

  • Research integrity
  • The Code
  • Concerns about research conduct
  • How concerns about research integrity are handled.