Our University is a comprehensive research organisation addressing complex problems in innovative ways with investigator-led, interdisciplinary collaborations.

We work with industry partners and specialist research institutes exploring solutions to the major challenges of our times.

Spotlight on research

Djambatj Dhukarr: Living in two worlds. Learning both ways.

Djambatj Dhukarr (Road to Excellence) is an exchange project that brought Yolŋu ‘team teachers’  from Yirrkala Bilingual School in north-east Arnhem Land to Melbourne. Researchers say the project shows how, for Yolŋu educators, learning on country, coupled with opportunities for professional development off country, allows the educators to learn both ways and share Yolŋu culture.

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Woman's hands showing a bush product used to create dye for weaving in Arnhem land
Old sandstone building facade

Advancing Melbourne

The University of Melbourne’s enduring purpose is to benefit society through the transformative impact of education and research.

Advancing Melbourne will enable the University to contribute to advancing the state and national interest and make vital contributions to Australia’s standing on the world stage. We seek to be a leading force in advancing Australia as an ambitious, forward-thinking country while increasing its reputation and influence globally.

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Dark matter might be ‘light’

We don’t know the mass of dark matter particles, so researchers are developing new techniques to look for new, lighter types.

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Milky Way solar system depends on the existence of dark matter

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